Friday, April 24, 2009


I have a place to stay in the human body; I sometimes stay in a hotel called digestive juices, or a motel called blood or brothel called Feme ekgolo.
But mostly in a restaurant called sperm. Everybody knows me!Yebo, yes! I am HIV, the son of AIDS and I was born in one human body during unsafe sex, but I multiplied like a bull.
You may ask the rich, the poor, Blacks, Whites, males, females, doctors, sangomas. They all know me very well as my young brother STD. I attack hundreds of people all over the world every day.
Listen, I will take you one by one, especially those who hate my Uncle condom. I will take you to decorate my grave. You will die young. Africa knows me, the whole world knows me.I am HIV, son of AIDS.
I frequent shebeens and bar lounges and I respect no age. I hide between sexy legs and delicious thighs and big buttocks. Some call me
Koloi ya Elia,
Number 1,
Manyonyoba, Ukimwi
Thubalebotsane and other silly names but I don't care,because my name is:
HIV son of Aids and I have no friends.
I kill Doctors,Nurses,Lawyers, Teachers, Priests, Professors,Ministers, Bishops, Street Sweepers and I have got no shame. I will drink your blood, suck your juices, drain your fat until you are a living skeleton and from there I will kick you to the grave.
You men fasten your trouser belts. You women don't loosen your panties and G-Strings because I am watching you. The only way you can beat me is to be accompanied by my uncle Condom whom I hate so much. He is the only one who can try to defeat me. Mothers hear me, Fathers hear me, Brothers hear me,Sisters hear me intellectuals hear me, Stupids hear me,Retards hear me, Clevers hear me and I am telling you for the last time
"My name is HIV and I have got no friends".
After reading this you must know I am sitting next to you and just
one blunder I am going to consume you. Who knows, I may already be in your blood system so go right now and take blood tests, but if you are always in the company of my Uncle Condom you need not worry.
My name is HIV son of AIDS and I have no friends!!!

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